A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Cut down trees, hunt deer, gather water, and explore the strange woods.
Get the resources you need to survive, one day at a time... but be careful, there's something else in these woods...
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Thanks for checking out my game!
If you find any bugs, please kindly let me know in the comments section below. I'll try my absolute best to address them!
...and if you're in a comfortable financial position, consider giving a dollar or two!
At $1, you'll nab a digital copy of the game's OST (12 songs, and 2 sfx)!
At $5, you'll also get the 42 page Making Of PDF! It contains early/unused art assets, photography, and lots of commentary about the game's development.
But don't feel bad if you can't/don't want to pay :)
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THE DEVIL HAUNTS ME was created for A GAME BY ITS COVER (2018); "an annual game jam about turning the fictional cartridge art of the My Famicase Exhibition into the real thing."
This game was inspired by this Famicase design: http://famicase.com/18/softs/185.html
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- 1.6.1 available nowFeb 28, 2020
- Potential issueFeb 28, 2020
- Update 1.6Feb 27, 2020
- 1.5 available nowJan 30, 2020
- SEARCH PARTY - new survival horror game, lets celebrate with a sale!May 12, 2019
- BLAIR ROAD - New horror game coming this year...Feb 15, 2019
- v1.4 now availableJan 14, 2019
- The Making Of now available!Jan 08, 2019
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Hi I wanted to ask why in the top right corner of my map there's no faded ghost like island like there is for other players?
This is one of my favorite indie games. The gameplay and aesthetics are really fun, the mechanics are intuitive and the environment is interesting.
I love exploration in games, and this is filled to the brim with it. While the game doesn't focus on it too much, there are plenty of interesting lore hints that enhance the experience.
I managed to get two endings (don't know if there are more), and both of them felt so cool, I kept thinking "wow, that actually worked?"
Overall, the game is short and sweet (I got one ending in 5 in-game days, the other one in 11), but has potential to be played for longer thanks to the survival mechanics.
I really recommend playing this!
Looking for a new horror game to play, but i don’t do well with jumpscares. does this have any?
Ахаха. Тут челик продаёт саундтрек к игре за бакс, когда сама игра БЕСПЛАТНА. Он что думает, что никто не догадается просто прочекать папку с музыкой? Или найти её где-нибдь, если всё это возможно, конечно же) Но что бы там ни было, лучше бы он просто оставил ссылку на свой кошелёк, раз уж хочется донатиков...
Lovely little game! Not everything is well-conveyed, and the fact you can clown on the Devil Himself by tricking him into giving you free wood (and are actively rewarded for employing this silly strategy) detracts from the horror a bit, but the central mechanics and the atmosphere are very solid.
Yep, I believe the game to be far from horror as well since it doesn't dive deeper into that genre and it makes you focus more on survival strategy than the atmosphere.
Was this inspired by the game Darkwood? It seems very similar (in a good way).
it was *not*! I actually played Darkwood for the very first time this year, and I felt some similarities though. But those were purely coincidence!
I wish you could craft stuff so there would be more to the game. Good game anyway.
Same for me as well but after walking forward awhile I saw the land but the demon had to kill me in order to get on it (I was actually under the map and couldn't get up). After that I was able to continue even after beating the game. I found some weird things and the people I killed were ghosts I think. Idk. But it would've been easier if I restarted all the way back home rather than having to walk a big way just to get killed. One more thing that was odd is that the boss spawned at the same place even though I beat him meaning I could beat the game a second time in the same file. Lol.
Hey Lum, I loved the game!! The one issue I am having is that after completing it once and attempting to continue that file the whole game starts up super bright and I have no hud nor do I start back in my home. I would love to keep playing for other endings. All in all this was an awesome experience!
Hey, thanks so much! Unfortunately, that is a known bug that I haven't been able to fix yet. Apologies for that, I don't know when a fix will come out. I know this isn't a great answer, but the only way to get the other ending would be to start a new game :(
Yup, I’m also getting this bug, I thought it was ’the end’, glad to know that it isn’t an actual ending.
Hello. I recently got the game after seeing Let’s Game It Out play it. I can’t get out of bed for some reason, I tried clicking all the keys but I get stuck and then it just moves on to the next day. Halp QAQ, I rlly want to play.
That's strange. Did you by any chance enable the Gamepad on the menu? That could make it so the keyboard controls don't work, but you can still disable it through the menu or by pressing ESC.
Also, just to be sure, are you using the arrow keys?
No, I exit and ran it multiple times and I made sure gamepad was off. I was using wsd.
You need to use the arrow keys to move around, *not* WASD.
Are you still not able to get out of bed when using the arrow keys?
OML. That was a dumb mistake. Its working perfectly fine now. I had a lot of fun, thanks for the wonderful game.
No worries! Thanks for playing! 😀
yo, i download the game but it says the unityPlayer.dll player is not found and said i should re-download it and i did but its the same result. also here's the platform i'm using right now
platform:Lenovo ideapad 330
operating system: windows 10 (and i download on "THE DEVIL HAUNTS ME 1.6.1 (windows).zip")
please help me with this
I'm looking into the issue now, thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll try to follow up later tonight!
When you extract and download the game, it should extract as a folder with the contents:
THE DEVIL HAUNTS ME (windows).exe
When you run the .exe, is the .exe still located in the folder?
That error you ran into will happen if the .exe is not in the same location as the UnityPlayer.dll and THE DEVIL HAUNTS ME (windows)_DATA folder.
heres the thing i tried executing it in the zip and now i extracted the zip and its no longer asking about the dll its now asking the folder even tho its ontop of the contents
Yeah, you need to extract the .zip, then run the .exe file from the extracted folder.
I'm not sure what the folder error you're running into is, but if you keep running into issues with this it might make more sense to just download the game from Steam. It's still free!
Alright thanks lum sorry for the trouble thanks for trying. And ill do that
Also the folder error if there's any familiar errors like me this is what the error said to me when i try and start the .exe
"There should be 'THE DEVIL HAUNTS ME (windows)_Data'
folder next to the executable"
Stay safe out there too! Keep up the good work!
No worries Thirty!
It sounds like this is an issue with how you're extracting the zip, or where you're running it. But I think I'd have to actually see what you're doing to be able to help. Regardless, the Steam version should run fine for you.
Take care! Thanks for the interest in my game 😀
It said if I bought the bundle I would get the making of thing too, but it isn't showing on the download page.
sent you an email!
Thank you!
Game was amazing! Really great gameplay! This game deserves more players! One of the best aspects of the game is that the player must collect essential resources to survive.
Ghost deers.
Oh god, that was amazing! This adventure was exciting and I loved this game so much, I will buy it on steam and replay again;D
oh, and also I completed both endings, and after trying this save I popped into a white space with no way out, I just walk in an endless white void, is this meant?
WAIT! There is more than one ending?!
I know I'm late to the party, but I have to say, I really enjoyed the slow dismal suspense of this game! I didn't come into it expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised! Well done!
Wait, I didn't know it got onto steam!
Really enjoyed this game! I liked it so much I decided to pay for it on Steam.
What I think makes this game so successful as an experience is the following:
- Resource management aspect of game excourages exploration, rather than being just an annoy end unto itself. I never felt I was collecting resources just for the sake of continuing to collect resources. I collected resources because they allowed me to keep exploring.
- Exploring was fun and always brought something new and rewarding right around each corner. The player isn't searching forever for the same thing over and over. The map is appropriately sized and there are creative new tools, locations, and secrets to find every in-game day.
- Controls are simple and very affective. I love the "look around" function which makes navigating easier without the need for a full map.
- Music and sound is great. Perfect atmospher and good audio clues for danger.
- A story without tons of reading or dialogue. There isn't anything wrong with story telling that uses reading and such, but it's great to have a game visually tell a story that you have to use you imagination a little to fill in blanks.
Really impressive game for a Game Jam! I look forward to playing more of your games.
too slow for me. I don't want to grind to hear a story...I should get a story first as a reason to grind.
Really great game, but unfortunately my experience was kinda ruined by bugs (v1.4), *spoiler* when reaching the boss fight in the roses field it bugged:
1° no boss spawned and only single random fireballs spawned in the area, making me have to reset or kill myself in the balls;
2° after, from this point, exiting and returning to the game, the boss spawned, but after ''killing'' it, he stood in the place.
I'm sorry to hear that! It's a bug I've known about, but have been having a hell of a time trying to reproduce and fix...
I've currently moved onto other projects, so I honestly don't know when a fix for that will be released. Sorry!
This game is fantastic, but I can't finish it...
Whenever I beat the final boss, he just kind of stops moving and nothing happens. I can't hit him. I can't leave. All I can do is Save and Quit, which starts the fight over again. This has happened twice, so its not just a fluke.
First off, I have so many questions. So I've beaten the game and gotten both endings, and I would really like to know how depthy the story is. My friend and I have MANY theories as to what the backstory may be, and are itching to know what the intended story actually is.
So basically, is there a twisted, psychologically messed up backstory?
And is there a third-tier bucket?
Also, this is one of the best games I have ever played in my life. I downloaded this game originally as a joke because of the title, and ended up playing it for over 3 hours straight until beating it. This game shouldn't be free.
On that note, is there a way that I can donate through steam?
Wow, thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked the game so much.
So, first of all: I really don't like telling people what the 'intended story' is. There is one I have in my head, but if I were to just tell you what it all meant, it would really ruin whatever mystery was left. I think coming up with theories is the real fun part of the story, and because of how its presented, it's open for many interpretations! So please, keep coming up with theories and discussing with others!! And sorry if that answer is disappointing, I just think its important for the game to maintain a sense of mystery.
I will be clear about this though: there isn't a third tier bucket :(
If you want to support me via Steam, then you can always purchase the OST and/or the Making Of digital book! I believe OST is $1.99 USD and Making Of is $4.99 USD.
Thanks again! :)
Hey! I have a couple questions actually. I've been playing the game and found:
1. the fox mask
2. all of the golden tools and the orange/fire gun and fire ax
3. the silver key
I think that is all. Is there anything else or any parts of the map that I haven't explored yet by the sounds of it? I was wondering if there was any sort of bucket above the golden level that I never found. I also explored the big building at the very top of the map with the silver key, and by the looks of it it seems like I'd need some sort of a red key. I swear I must've checked every corner of the map but haven't found anything? Am I missing an area?
I also totally watched a YouTube walk through and realize defeating the devil was much simpler than I had thought. I loved this game so much! I just wanted to make sure I found as much on the map as possible before I stop playing because I think it's very cool. There are no other endings either right?
Thanks! I'm just super curious to figure out if I'm missing anything. Great game!
I don't normally play video games and so I was searching for something fun and really really loved this. The atmosphere is really creepy and well-made. I loved how much there was to find and how it was challenging and got much more difficult as time went on. Loved it!
thanks so much for playing!! To be honest, I don’t really like directly telling people what they missed & what to do, but I will go ahead and say that there is a red key, and that there is a second ending...
The second ending is a bit bugged unfortunately, but there is some more content to the game you’ve missed. A fix for that + more will be available when the game comes to Steam on Jan 7th!
That's awesome!!! I managed to finally find and beat the second ending which was a lot of fun. Thanks!
You're very welcome! :)
does the castle/big building at the top of the map have to do with the ending?
From what I saw on a YouTube walkthrough, I think the answer is no! It is definitely fun to know you found the key though.
THIS GAME IS SO FUN!!! My boyfriend and I enjoy it very much. We are on day 25? I think and trying to find the golden bucket and figure out how to take out the sword. Cool game!
Thanks so much! 🙂
I may have run into an bug
so I got the sword, and I start chopping trees with it( Idk why I kinda felt like it) and I run out of energy but I can still chop trees down?
Dang, yeah that's a little exploit. I'll try to come up with a fix for that in the next update! Thanks for letting me know :)
this game looks really original and content rich, ima gonna play it .
do it!!
Does “the devil” ever appear on the first day? Awesome game btw
Nah, the devil only appears after a few days.
i love this game!
I'm super glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for playing :)
...I'm also surprised the UI didn't completely break at the resolution you're playing at! Haha.
Thanks for playing! :) The mask has a couple uses, but I think it's more fun to discover things on your own!
Fair Point!
I love this game. A lot of fun. Challenging without being too easy or too hard. Good mechanics, great sound and music. Cool aesthetic. Only problem, and maybe I'm just missing something, but there doesn't seem to be a way to Quit the game, not even by hitting Esc. I just alt-F4 it so I mean it's not a major issue but still seems a strange thing to omit.
Oh thats very strange. If you hit ESC it should bring up the game menu, where you can quit! I can look into that in case theres something wrong with the inputs.
I see the problem. It's me. Despite hitting Z to start and getting the menu to start playing, I forgot that pressing Z to start actually means 'bring up the menu' when it was time to quit the game. Sorry for that but thank you for taking the interest in my issue!
Glad you enjoyed it though :)
Were you inspired in any way by the game Minicraft?
Nope! I had never heard of that game until now.
I love the concept of this game so much, especially the pixellated style and 3D distorted effect. I was wondering if I could make an artists reimagining of it for a school portfolio? I won't post it around online if you'd prefer that, no profit will be involved since it's just for admissions purposes, and of course I will credit you! I also can't guarantee that I will go through with the idea either, but I figured it was better to ask for your permission before doing anything major.
I'd absolutely love that! Feel free to share it around online too, if you end up going through with it. Thanks for playing! :)
Aaa thanks for releasing the process of creating this game. Not only is it super interesting to see your thought process, but it will help me a lot with that project I mentioned months ago! I am currently trying to get it approved by my teacher, who's kind of on my case about some copyright issues of recreating TDHM. She's afraid of my concept art being too similar to yours, so the PDF offers some good proof that nothing will be plagiarized. I'm very glad to see that you are expanding on the game!
I LOVE this game. It has great potential where it's going. Perhaps you could add in some lore to explain why the character is being haunted. (Just a suggestion.)
Thank you so much! I'm not guaranteeing there will be any direct answers, but there will be some more lore in the next update! :)
Ouch, thanks for letting me know! A fix for that will be in the next update for the game.
I usually shy away from survival / resource management games because I'm legendarily terrible at them, but this one intrigued me so much I stuck with it to the end (but only on Forgiving mode because I'm not that much of a masochist haha!).
What can I say? The atmosphere you've created is so darn creepy, I love the way each little location has its own uniqueness (the ghosts in cemetery and the haunted well being great examples).
The slow dwindling of resources really ramps up the pressure too, as the deer population decreases and you start wondering whether you can actually live long enough to escape this nightmare.
Being haunted by the shadows of the recent past as well as by the main demon itself is a nice touch too, ghosts appearing in certain areas, the poor dead chap with his gun by his side, the skinned deer near our house... it all adds up to one heck of an experience compounded by the need to figure out how to do everything you need to finish things off!
You've really created a mini gem of a game here, and I had loads of fun playing it, even during the frustrating moments I was motivated to carry on! Keep up the awesome work, this was a blast! =)
Wow, thanks so much for playing, and for the very thoughtful little review! :)
pretty epic game bud love it,are you planing to do more to it ?
Thank you! And yes, there’s going to b a new content update coming in the next week or two. 😈
Quick question: What are the white ones?
This was honestly a really fun game, I loved everything about it, I usually don't play exploration games, but this was a nice change of pace while still having me run for my life lol
Thanks for playing :)